J-Day3- Medium Restart
Medium Restart Day 3 — Time Management Part 1 — Researching
Time Management is a process that needs to allow you to complete the goals you set for yourself by the hour divided into two thirty-minute time frames or by three as twenty minutes time segments.
Video Research:
If you can complete three different Research things in twenty minutes each hour. Then you are a get-it-done speed pro. This is the time frame I try to use when Watching Youtube Videos for research — “In general Youtube videos are between 7–15 minutes per topic.
Of course, there are some Creators out there who go longer. Hence I sometimes schedule myself for two videos per hour. Occasionally if the topic is merited I watch for a full hour.
One of the pitfalls of researching youtube videos is that there are usually so many Creators on any given topic. They list these darn Videos right next to the one you are watching and even sometimes they are off-topic. But they look so interesting and so you then can use up your valuable time by watching them.