Medium Restart Day 5—Time Management Part 3—Reading

Time Management is how I start my writing day with 3 Writer Routines. Any time I am preparing; to write: I follow these three steps first. That is because I put my “Readers” first, and my followers second, and I go into Business mode third to; action my reputation and my brand.

Five Books open, Lights all across all the books entwined with two female hands open on top of these books. Leaning forward? Are the lights Ideas. Is she searching? Desperate to find something to write about. A notebook is next to her right hand.
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Jays Notes:

The Image 1. Alt Text I wrote.

Five Books open, Lights all across all the books entwined with two female hands open on top of these books. Leaning forward? Are the lights Ideas. Is she searching? Desperate to find something to write about. A notebook is next to her right hand.

To explain my Introduction; Not all Readers are Followers, not all Followers’ are Readers. And if they do not interact with you. You will never know if they read your work. It is just the way it is.

Some people have read my work, and that always feels good. Some of them have highlighted my posts, which means something I wrote has some special meaning to my work.

We write so people can read and — (Insert what you want from your reader here.) Some readers have also shared; comments are mostly positive, which is great because we connected over a work that came from me. These are the readers I strive to get.



Jay Javurek - Polymath, Philomath, Observer.
Jay Javurek - Polymath, Philomath, Observer.

Written by Jay Javurek - Polymath, Philomath, Observer.

Just me, myself, and I. Exploring the universe of the unknown. I am a master and failure of many different things. People person - An "Old Guy" who reads.

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